Analyzing the synthesis route of 29671-92-9

Chemical properties determine the actual use. Each compound has specific chemical properties and uses. We look forward to more synthetic routes in the future to expand reaction routes of 29671-92-9.

29671-92-9, Adding some certain compound to certain chemical reactions, such as: 29671-92-9, name is Carbamimidic chloride hydrochloride, can increase the reaction rate and produce products with better performance than those obtained under traditional synthetic methods. Here is a downstream synthesis route of the compound 29671-92-9.

SO2(CH3)2 (20.4 g, 217 mmol) was heated to melting. A-2 (3.3 g, 29 mmol) was added and the resulting mixture was stirred and heated to 120C to dissolve completely. Methyl 5-(2-chloro-4-trifluoromethylphenoxy)- anthranilate (5 g, 14.5 mmol) was added in one part to the reaction mixture. Stirring was continued for 30 minutes. The reaction mixture was treated with water (10 ml_) and stirred for 10 minutes. The precipitate, V-17, a white solid, was isolated by filtration and dried in the vacuum oven.LC-MS m/z = 356 (M+H)

Chemical properties determine the actual use. Each compound has specific chemical properties and uses. We look forward to more synthetic routes in the future to expand reaction routes of 29671-92-9.

Patent; Janssen R&D Ireland; MC GOWAN, David; RABOISSON, Pierre, Jean-Marie, Bernard; JONCKERS, Tim, Hugo, Maria; LAST, Stefaan, Julien; EMBRECHTS, Werner; PIETERS, Serge, Maria, Aloysius; WO2012/156498; (2012); A1;,
Chloride – Wikipedia,
Chlorides – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics